Mastiha Culture
Getting to know the culture of Mastiha on Chios Island
If you would like to get to know the mastiha culture and experience everyday life at mastichochoria (the villages of mastiha, in southern Chios), a visit there is a must. You can also have the unique experience of mastiha cultivation by participting in an agritourism program organised by specialised local agencies, during which you can learn and participate in all the steps of the cultivation process, such as preparation, harvesting and cleaning. However, you should bear in mind that Chios natural mastiha cultivation and production is deeply integrated with Chios island’s identity and everyday life on the island. This means that a visitor could have a deeper insight of what we call “mastiha culture”, through a variety of activities and experiences on Chios island.

1. Spend some time as a Mastiha farmer
Grab your tools and follow the steps of preparation, harvest and cleansing the product. Reward yourself with a lovely picnic with organic local products, spirits and wine under the Mastiha trees.

2. Visit Chios Mastic Museum

3. Be active around the mastiha villages

4. Enjoy the nature

5. Have a taste of the good life